Yulan Kim, Ph.D.

Policy Research Fellow

Curriculum vitae

Ocean Nexus

University of Washington

Yulan Kim, Ph.D.

Policy Research Fellow


Yulan Kim, Ph.D.

Policy Research Fellow

Curriculum vitae

Ocean Nexus

University of Washington


Hello! I am a public management scholar researching cross-sector public service delivery arrangements. This interest is motivated by my professional experience at the Korea Development Institute (KDI) where I managed the contracting, implementation, and evaluation of international policy consulting projects in collaboration with nonprofit and for-profit entities. I am devoted to promoting effective, efficient, and equitable management of public service delivery through my research and teaching. My most recent CV is available here.
I completed my Ph.D. at the Evans School of Public Policy & Governance at the University of Washington. My dissertation focuses on collaborative governance as a mode of service delivery. I study governments that lead collaborative governance to co-produce regional social security services. I analyze how this mode of service delivery impacts citizen trust and participation by applying multilevel modeling and pattern-matching methods on original panel data and interview data. I received the Public Management Research Conference 2022 Outstanding Poster Award and the American Society for Public Administration Section on Korean Public Administration 2022 Student Paper Award (2nd place) for my dissertation. An interview about this work is available here.

In January 2024, I joined Ocean Nexus as a research fellow. In this position, I am working to introduce public policy and management concepts and frameworks to ocean scholars who seek to produce policy-relevant research. I am currently working on policy analysis projects for climate change adaptation in Japanese offshore and coastal fisheries. In the long term and more ambitiously, I want to explore how collaborative governance, which is mainly researched in domestic contexts, can inform equitable ocean governance.

Research Areas
  • Collaborative governance
  • Public service delivery
  • Citizen participation and trust
  • Policy processes
  • Institutional theory
  • Survey methods
  • Qualitative methods

  • Managing Organizational Performance (Instructor & TA)
  • Managing Politics and the Policy Process (TA)
  • Policy Analysis  (TA)
  • Program Evaluation  (TA)
  • Financial Management & Budgeting  (TA)

  • Ph.D. in Public Policy and Management, University of Washington, 2023
  • M.S. in Public Policy and Management, University of Washington, 2020
  • M.Sc. in Comparative Politics, London School of Economics and Political Science, 2011
  • B.A. in International Studies, Ewha Womans University, 2010

In my free time, I enjoy hiking and camping in the Pacific Northwest with my family. I also like to experiment with digital and film photography to capture moments with the people I love.

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